Our allowance organization was founded in 2003. It is the most convenient form for representing the South Moravian Region abroad and coordinating its activities with other foreign regions. For this purpose there is an office in Brno and other offices located abroad.
The Office of the South Moravian Region for interregional cooperation has currently one office based abroad. On 1st September 2007 the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the European Union was founded in Brussels.
In 2011 we started to closely cooperate also with Zadarska župa in Croatia.
The office in Brno stands as an administrative and economic centre of the organization. Our educational and cultural projects are coordinated and organized from the Brno office. These projects focus on promoting Czech-Serbian cooperation, providing Czech language lessons and supporting Ukraine.
We also closely cooperate with an Elementary school in Sloup, Integrated upper secondary school in Sokolnice, Children’s Leisure centre in Kyjov and Lipka Environmental Education Centre in implementing projects.
Added - 22. 11. 2024
Přibližně 250 návštěvníků si nenechalo ujít promítání filmu Vlny v Bruselu. Na akci nechybělo ani naše Zastoupení a výběrová jihomoravská vína.
Added - 4. 11. 2024
Také během října jsme v Bruselu navštívili a uspořádali hned několik zajímavých akcí. Koukněte na jejich souhrnný přehled.
Added - 15. 10. 2024
Evropský týden regionů a měst je úspěšně za námi. Kromě návštěvy seminářů a konferencí jsme také společně s partnery uspořádali interaktivní workshop o regionálních výzvách!